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Psychische Störungsbilder bei Kindern und Jugendlichen

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€ 49,00
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Buchformat: Taschenbuch
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Psychische Erkrankung, Psychische Störungen, Behandlung, Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapie
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This volume documents the knowledge currently available on the differential effectiveness of various psychotherapeutic procedures for 22 clinical pictures in psychology. At the same time, it attempts to build a bridge between clinical practice and research. The pathogenesis of all the disorders is dealt with in a way that takes all the different schools into account, thus providing a broad-based framework of knowledge and explanation for psychological disturbances in adults. The author provides a detailed overview of the current state of knowledge on the development and treatment of psychological disorders in children and young adults. Symptomatology, frequency of occurrence, different explanatory approaches, comorbidities, diagnostic procedures, interviewing and test procedures, treatment options and prospects for success are presented through a critical examination of evidence-based research. The author aims to provide all practising paediatric psychotherapists with a critical work in scientific methodology that allows them to evaluate the state of research on the various disorders in a nuanced but nevertheless comprehensible way.

Volker Tschuschke, Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. biol. hum. habil., Dipl.-Psych., ist Psychoanalytiker und war Lehrstuhlinhaber für Medizinische Psychologie am Universitätsklinikum zu Köln.

Produkttyp: Softcover
Titel: Psychische Störungsbilder bei Kindern und Jugendlichen
Autor/in: Tschuschke, Volker
Verlag: Kohlhammer W.
ISBN: 3170308424
Seiten: 438
Sprache: Deutsch
Erscheinungstermin: 201908
Kategorie: HC/Psychoanalyse
Maße: 239x169x28
Gewicht: 722
438 Seiten; Gewicht: 722 g; Maße: 239 x 169 x 28
Volker Tschuschke, Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. biol. hum. habil., Dipl.-Psych., ist Psychoanalytiker und war Lehrstuhlinhaber für Medizinische Psychologie am Universitätsklinikum zu Köln.

Psychische Störungsbilder bei Kindern und Jugendlichen

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